ADC hosts Alex Odeh conference Oct. 11-12, 2019
ADC is proud to announce its 2019 Alex Odeh Conference! This year’s conference will take place at the Sheraton Cerritos Hotel in California on October 11th-12th. The Alex Odeh Conference is one of the largest annual gatherings of Arab Americans on the west coast. The agenda will feature community leaders and activists from across the nation. The conference offers networking opportunities for members, activists, community leaders, businesses, and individuals. We hope to have you in attendance this year!
Newest Panel added featuring David Sheen’s Messiah Mode
ADC is proud to announce the first of its panels at the 2019 Alex Odeh Conference! Journalist David Sheen will be presenting his lecture, Messiah Mode. Mr. Sheen is an independent journalist born and raised in Toronto, Canada who has been reporting from the ground in Israel-Palestine for the past decade. The presentation and discussion will focus on Mr. Sheen’s investigative work into Israeli right-wing extremism movements and what role they played in the assassination of ADC Director Alex Odeh.
2019 Alex Odeh Conference
October 11-12, 2019
Sheraton Cerritos Hotel
Cerritos, California
Registration | Hotel | Program
DAVID SHEEN is an independent journalist born and raised in Toronto, Canada who has been reporting from the ground in Israel-Palestine for the past decade. His feature documentary on ecological architecture, First Earth, was translated into a dozen languages and published by PM Press in 2010. Sheen gave a TEDx talk on the topic of the film in Johannesburg, South Africa later that year. In 2010 and 2011, Sheen worked as a reporter and content editor for the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz. In 2012, he authored a report on racism in Israel for the United Nations. Ever since, Sheen has written both reportage and opinion pieces for a variety of local, regional and international publications, including The Electronic Intifada, The New Arab, Al Jazeera, and Middle East Eye. Thousands of these articles carry the byline of the journals that published them, but hundreds of them are identified as authored by Sheen. He is often sought out by foreign media as a commentator on Israeli affairs. Since 2014, he has delivered lectures on these topics at universities around the world and multiple European parliaments. In 2017, Sheen was recognized for his reporting and named a Human Rights Defender by the the Ireland-based Front Line Defenders.
Click here to register for the 2019 Alex Odeh Conference
What is the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)?
ADC is a civil rights organization committed to defending the rights of people of Arab descent and promoting their rich cultural heritage.
ADC was founded by former U.S. Senator James Abourezk in 1980. Today, ADC is the largest Arab American grassroots organization in the U.S.
ADC supports the human and civil rights of all people and opposes racism and bigotry in any form.
- PROTECTS civil rights and civil liberties of Arab Americans
- PROMOTES mutual understanding
- PRESERVES Arab American cultural heritage
Who can join ADC?
ADC welcomes the participation and support of people of all ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds.
ADC’s objectives are to:
- Defend and promote human rights, civil rights, and liberties of Arab Americans and other persons of Arab heritage.
- Combat stereotypes and discrimination against and affecting the Arab-American community in the United States.
- Serve as a public voice for the Arab American community in the United States on domestic and foreign policy issues.
- Educate the American public in order to promote greater understanding of Arab history and culture.
- Organize and mobilize the Arab American community in furtherance of the organization’s objectives.
Ways to get involved:
- Join our listserve to receive ADC news releases and action alerts
- Become a member of ADC – dues start as low as $25
- Join or start a local ADC chapter
- Educate yourself
- Make a donation to ADC or the ADC Research Institute (ADCRI)
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