“1984” by George Orwell is 2017’s Must-Read
Since Mr. Trump’s election sales of “1984” and other dystopian tales have surged.
By Eileen Fleming
New York Times Book Critic MICHIKO KAKUTANI wrote on January 26:
“1984” shot to No. 1 on Amazon’s best-seller list this week, after Kellyanne Conway, an adviser to President Trump, described demonstrable falsehoods told by the White House press secretary Sean Spicer — regarding the size of inaugural crowds — as “alternative facts.”
It was a phrase chillingly reminiscent, for many readers, of the Ministry of Truth’s efforts in “1984” at “reality control.”
To Big Brother and the Party, Orwell wrote, “the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense.” Regardless of the facts, “Big Brother is omnipotent” and “the Party is infallible.”
The following is excerpted from this reporter/author’s book:
Three months after publishing BEYOND NUCLEAR: Mordechai Vanunu’s FREEDOM of SPEECH Trial and My Life as a Muckraker: 2005-2010 , I announced my candidacy as a Citizen of Conscience for US HOUSE 2012, District 5, Fl. because the crazy idea to run for congress had morphed into a desire to serve in the House.
What I learned on the campaign trail is that I will never be a politician, but I will continue to write with hope to provoke change for the better in the political realm.
The Republicans held their presidential convention in Tampa, which is ‘home’ to the largest population of homeless people in Florida. The Republicans cancelled the first day of their convention due to fear of Hurricane Isaac, so The Media had nothing else to do but turn out for the counter demonstration on August 28, 2012.
The Media and Police far outnumbered the few hundred diverse citizens for justice, peace and equal human rights who joined The March on The RNC. We were blessed with cloud cover and a few short drizzles before the sun broke out on the hurricane of We The People who hold:
“These truths to be self-evident: That all [people] are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights…that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among [people] deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; and, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the RIGHT of the people to ALTER or to ABOLISH it.”
The day before I reported from the Ron Paul Rally and captured guitar legend Jimmy Vaughn doing “DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER” and recalled George Orwell’s nightmare titled “1984.”
In it, Orwell relates the tale of Winston Smith, a solitary man with independent thought that Big Brother: The Party incarnate found so threatening that they tortured him beyond his endurance in order to break him, brainwash him and strip him of his humanity.
In the Centennial Edition of “1984”, Thomas Pynchon wrote the Foreword and Erich Fromm the Afterword, from which I quote:
“A working prophet, is able to see deeper than most of us into the human soul. Orwell in 1948 understood that despite the Axis defeat, the will to fascism had not gone away…the irresistible human addiction to power was already long in place. The means of surveillance in Winston Smith’s era are primitive next to the wonders of computer technology: most notably the Internet.”
“Universal peace and justice are the goals of man, and the prophets have faith that in spite of all errors and sins under the illusion of fighting for peace and democracy. All the fighting nations have lost moral considerations…the unlimited destruction of civilian populations and atomic bombs. Can human nature be changed so that man will forget his longing for freedom, dignity, integrity, love-can man forget that he is human?”
In Orwell’s epic, Winston Smith played the role of the archetype of all threats to Big Brother:
An individual with an open and free mind, independent thought, a memory of history and a voice of dissent who was willing to take bold action.
Orwell’s Big Brother tortured all threats in order to get inside their head and then to brainwash them into accepting doublethink as truth.
I contend that today’s Big Brother is an Industrial Media Congressional Military Security/Surveillance Complex, which as of this writing have not yet found the way to stop the free flow of info and independent thought streaming through the World Wide Web.
Orwell demonstrates the illusion of the assumption that democracy can continue to exist in a world preparing for nuclear war. Leaders have only one aim, and that is power and power means to inflict unlimited pain and suffering to another human being. We spend a considerable part of our income and energy in building thermonuclear weapons, and close our minds to the fact that they might go off and destroy one third or one half of our population and that of the enemy. Another example of doublethink-from a Christian standpoint is the evil of killing any other. Can a minority of one be right?
As a minority of one, I flew to Virginia in September to attend the 2012 LIBERTY Political Action Conference.
I was able to accomplish my missions when I personally handed the following questions to Congressman Ron Paul and ‘gifted’ Dr. Paul with a copy of my third book, BEYOND NUCLEAR: Mordechai Vanunu’s FREEDOM of SPEECH Trial and My Life as a Muckraker: 2005-2010 at a private reception for him during the 2012 LIBERTY Political Action Conference.
My Questions:
Will you support the grass roots initiative that is seeking to establish every June 8th as USS LIBERTY REMEMBRANCE DAY?
In April 1999, thirty-six members of the US House of Representatives signed a letter calling for Israel’s Nuclear Whistle Blowers release from prison because they believed “we have a duty to stand up for men and women like Mordechai Vanunu who dare to articulate a brighter vision for humanity.”
Were you one of the 36?
Thank you for any reply, Eileen Fleming
Founder of WeAreWideAwake.org
Candidate for US HOUSE, D. 5, Fl.
The evening before at a private meeting with Senators Mike Lee [R-UT], Jim DeMint [R-SC] and Rand Paul [R-KY] and witnessed by at least thirty others, I asked the three Senators if they would support establishing every June 8th as USS LIBERTY REMEMBRANCE DAY?
Senator Lee maintained silence. Senator Paul gave me what I suppose was his ‘politically correct’ advice that I should not focus on old news. Senator DeMint admitted he was stumped and couldn’t respond.
As of this writing NOT ONE of those politicians has uttered a single public word about the USS LIBERTY or Israel’s WMD, and thus my imagination fueled by conscience calls me to write all about it…[END Book excerpt]
Mr. Trump [whom I call THE INVIGORATOR] has fueled THIS AMERICAN’s imagination to now create This American Documentary
Our Mission is to get Mr. Trump to sign an Executive Order Establishing every June 8 to be known as USS LIBERTY REMEMBRANCE DAY.
THIS AMERICAN: Documentary will interview USS LIBERTY veterans at the 50th USS LIBERTY reunion in Norfolk, VA.
But we begin at the graveside ceremony on June 8, 2017, at Arlington Cemetery. Mr. Trump and the Trump Administration are invited to attend in honor of the 34 men listed above who died on 8 June 1967, when Israel attacked the USS LIBERTY as she navigated in international waters during The Six Day War.
Many LIBERTY veterans voted for Mr. Trump.
NO member of congress or any president has yet attended a USS LIBERTY commemoration, or stood up to END the US Government’s CoverUp that began 8 June 1967
THIS AMERICAN: Documentary seeks to change that.
THIS AMERICAN is Eileen Fleming, Author, Producer “30 Minutes with Vanunu” is the Senior Non-Arab Correspondent and Health Reporter for TADN, she ran for US HOUSE in 2012 on a Platform that included ending federal regulations on cannabis, to establish every June 8 to be known as USS LIBERTY Remembrance Day, and to end USA collusion in Israel’s nuclear deceptions and military occupation of Palestine.
Contact Eileen Fleming HERE
- Vanunu still has more nuclear secrets to spill, Israeli court declares - December 29, 2021
- 9/11 and a 20th Reflection of That Day - September 5, 2021
- Mordechai Vanunu: Final Annual Update and this Writers Next Steps - June 19, 2021
Great read. Just found out that Pearl Harbor was another false flag to goat American Liberals into WWII.