Who is Nikki Haley who bashed Obama, praised Israel?
Nikki Haley surfaced out of nowhere this week offering the nine minute rebuttal to the State of the Union speech by President Barack Obama. She was described as “Indian-America” (from India, not Native America) but she is Sikh and a conservative who opposes fundamental rights for immigrants and would cut spending for the poor.
By Ray Hanania
covering Chicago
City Hall
#NikkiHaley #SOTU … Just because Donald Trump or Ann Coulter don’t like Nikki Haley doesn’t make Nikki Haley a good person either … she is a part of the problem in this country that has allowed the Republican Party to do what it does. She takes one stand against the Confederate Flag in South Carolina, and suddenly she is a hero.
Haley was the ONLY person that night to bring up the issue of Israel, but not in the context of peace. It was in the context of pandering. She said: “We would make international agreements that were celebrated in Israel and protested in Iran, not the other way around.”
Click here to read her complete speech.
How cheap liberals can be bought.
Nikki Haley, the governor of South Carolina, offered the nine minute Republican rebuttal to the State of the Union Speech by President Barack Obama on Tuesday night. She is attractive, a “minority” and fit the image of what Republicans hope can push back on charges that they are anti-immigrant and opposed to people of color.
But here a few fundamental observations that her annoyingly ultra-White teeth can’t cover up.
Haley’s image as the conservative minority voice doesn’t change her fundamental her failed views on foreign policy, or her domestic policies including opposition to National Healthcare. She is Sikh American from India.
English: South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley (Photo credit: Wikipedia)Her claim that Republicans will lower taxes is ridiculous. My federal taxes have NEVER gone down whether it was a Democratic or Republican president. There have been LESS Increases.
Her parents were privileged and came to Canada first then to America, but they left India at a time of great violence (In Punjab between Indians and Sikhs) during the Punjab riots and fears of violence by immigrants from India was high in 1972 when she was born. Now she says immigrants should be restricted. Sure, now that she is here and her parents did not have to pay the price of violence by others that she wants to impose on immigrants today.
She “proudly” proclaims herself as being “non-White” because it helps the sagging Republican Party when it comes to the abuse of people of color, but when it meant something politically, she identified herself as “White” on her voter registration in 2001, just in time for the 9/11 backlash …
Nikki Haley reflects the FOX & Friends strategy of putting up a pretty face to soften the harsh realities of their politics.
If the Republican Party was not so desperate to show how much they support “acceptable minorities” — young black teens, Muslims and Mexicans not included — they wouldn’t have put Haley on TV to bash President Obama following his State of the Union Speech.
Do you know what this comment means: If a Republican is elected president, “taxes would be lower for working families, and we’d put the brakes on runaway spending and debt.”? “Brakes on runaway spending?” It means that the Federal Government under a Republican Administration would strip funding from the poor, the needy, programs to HELP MINORITIES and under privileged in this country, weaken support of programs like food stamps, wic and even social security … she’d pour more money into the military which Obama correctly pointed out last night was the highest funded it has ever been … but there is no limit to how much critics (usually those who avoided military service) will wrap themselves in the American Flag and declare that we don’t do enough for our soldiers.
In 1984, the Indian government of Indira Gandhi ordered a military assault on a major Sikh Temple and killed thousands of civilians. Sikhs and Indians have been at each other’s throats for decades … do you think that violence would not have impacted immigration to this country? Indira Gandhi was murdered by two of her Sikh bodyguards that year as a consequence. Sure. Crack down on immigration now. But not back then.
Who cares about facts and history. Put a pretty face with ultra-White teeth on TV and become the poster child for a “new” movement … cynical at best.
Nikki Haley’s 2nd biggest financial supporter is Free & Strong America, a conservative PAC whose top 10 funders are banks and bankers.
Goldman Sachs – $564,580
JPMorgan Chase & Co – $400,675
Bank of America – $364,850
Morgan Stanley – $363,550
Credit Suisse Group – $316,160
Citigroup Inc – $286,015
Kirkland & Ellis – $235,802
Barclays – $229,650
PricewaterhouseCoopers – $208,750
HIG Capital – $191,000
I can just see those gunmen militia terrorists who took a federal building hostage in Oregon cheering the TV screen and Nikki Haley after bashing effigies of Obama calling her their kind of people!
Health providers, hospital associations, doctor associations and pharmaceutical companies/lobby were her biggest industry group donors … of course they would be.
You can read more about Nikki Haley on my Facebook Page by clicking here.
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