OUTFRONT Media’s portfolio includes more than 400,000 displays in the top 25 markets across the U.S. and in more than 180 cities across the U.S. and Canada.
On Wednesday at Facebook’s Honor USS Liberty Vets page the following message regarding Outfront Media Inc. went live:
BILLBOARD COMPANY REFUSES TO HONOR NAVY VETS – We placed this billboard in New Bedford, MA, to honor USS Liberty veterans and to help them and their families get the respect and help they deserve.
But Israel partisans complained, one threatening to take his business elsewhere, so the billboard company reneged on their contract and took the billboard down two weeks early.
Now we’re asking others to SHARE THIS IMAGE to honor these men and their 34 shipmates who never returned. The Liberty is the most decorated crew since WWII. honorlibertyvets.org
PLEASE CONTACT THE BILLBOARD COMPANY, Outfront Media, and ask CEO Jeremy Male to join us in honoring these courageous American veterans
TO SEE PHOTOS & HELP please go to HonorLibertyVets.org
On April 6, I emailed info@outfrontmedia.com
Dear Mr. Jeremy J. Male, CEO Outfront Media, Inc
This USS LIBERTY supporter and reporter learned through Facebook and friends CC’d above that the billboard in New Bedford, MA, honoring the USS Liberty veterans was removed two weeks before the end of the contract.
For publication HERE please respond WHY was the billboard removed two weeks before contractual date?
Most sincerely,
Eileen Fleming,
Senior Non-Arab Correspondent for USA’s The Arab Daily News
Author, Reporter
On Thursday I followed up with a phone call to Mr. Male, CEO Outfront Media, Inc at 800.926.8834.
As of this publication no response has been received;
Thus this USS LIBERTY supporter seizes this opportunity to quote Captain Ward Boston, Jr., JAGC, USN (Ret.) Counsel to the U.S. Navy Court of Inquiry’s investigation into the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty.
On 9 January 2004, the Captain issued THIS DECLARATION from which I excerpt:
In June of 1967, while serving as a Captain in the Judge Advocate General Corps, Department of the Navy, I was assigned as senior legal counsel for the Navy’s Court of Inquiry into the brutal attack on USS Liberty, which had occurred on June 8th.
The late Admiral Isaac C. Kidd, president of the Court, and I were given only one week to gather evidence for the Navy’s official investigation into the attack, despite the fact that we both had estimated that a proper Court of Inquiry into an attack of this magnitude would take at least six months to conduct.
Admiral John S. McCain, Jr., then Commander-in-chief, Naval Forces Europe (CINCUSNAVEUR), at his headquarters in London, had charged Admiral Kidd (in a letter dated June 10, 1967) to “inquire into all the pertinent facts and circumstances leading to and connected with the armed attack; damage resulting therefrom; and deaths of and injuries to Naval personnel.”
Despite the short amount of time we were given, we gathered a vast amount of evidence, including hours of heartbreaking testimony from the young survivors.
The evidence was clear.
Both Admiral Kidd and I believed with certainty that this attack, which killed 34 American sailors and injured 172 others, was a deliberate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire crew.
Each evening, after hearing testimony all day, we often spoke our private thoughts concerning what we had seen and heard.
I recall Admiral Kidd repeatedly referring to the Israeli forces responsible for the attack as “murderous bastards.”
It was our shared belief, based on the documentary evidence and testimony we received first hand, that the Israeli attack was planned and deliberate, and could not possibly have been an accident.
I am certain that the Israeli pilots that undertook the attack, as well as their superiors, who had ordered the attack, were well aware that the ship was American.
I saw the flag, which had visibly identified the ship as American, riddled with bullet holes, and heard testimony that made it clear that the Israelis intended there be no survivors.
Not only did the Israelis attack the ship with napalm, gunfire, and missiles, Israeli torpedo boats machine-gunned three lifeboats that had been launched in an attempt by the crew to save the most seriously wounded — a war crime.
Admiral Kidd and I both felt it necessary to travel to Israel to interview the Israelis who took part in the attack. Admiral Kidd telephoned Admiral McCain to discuss making arrangements.
Admiral Kidd later told me that Admiral McCain was adamant that we were not to travel to Israel or contact the Israelis concerning this matter.
Regrettably, we did not receive into evidence and the Court did not consider any of the more than sixty witness declarations from men who had been hospitalized and were unable to testify in person.
I am outraged at the efforts of the apologists for Israel in this country to claim that this attack was a case of ‘mistaken identity’…
It is important for the American people to know that it is clear that Israel is responsible for deliberately attacking an American ship and murdering American sailors, whose bereaved shipmates have lived with this egregious conclusion for many years.
Ward Boston, Jr., Captain, JAGC, USN (Ret.)
Senior Counsel to the USS Liberty Court of Inquiry Download the FULL Document
In 2012, this reporter ran for US HOUSE on a Platform that included the need for the Establishment of every June 8 to be known as USS LIBERTY Remembrance Day. I lost the race and wrote ALL about it.
Today I like to IMAGINE this homeland blanketed with Billboards flying the USS LIBERTY Logo with this message
Mr. President and Congress
HONOR US Vets with Establishment
Every June 8
THE BALLAD OF THE USS LIBERTY By Chuck “Wagon” Maultsby & Friends
- Vanunu still has more nuclear secrets to spill, Israeli court declares - December 29, 2021
- 9/11 and a 20th Reflection of That Day - September 5, 2021
- Mordechai Vanunu: Final Annual Update and this Writers Next Steps - June 19, 2021
While the billboard may be historically accurate to the extent that this attack did occur, it glosses over the fact that a 1967 US Navy Court of Inquiry found that, in large part based upon the sworn testimony of the USS Liberty’s crew, the Israeli attack was the result of mistaken identity, aka, friendly fire, blue-on-blue, etc.
The featured Web link (honorlibertyvets) directs to a site which contains several distortions that have been repeated over the years. For example, it purports that the attack “spanned two hours – as long as the attack on Pearl Harbor…”. This notion is inconsistent with sworn testimony and Naval logs submitted to the US Navy Court in 1967.
I would implore people to research this matter on their own and not rely upon selective information being passed around by others who, rather than acting in service to USS Liberty’s survivors, may very well be following altogether different and decidedly murkier agendas of their own. I, for one, would be less inclined to ascribe their intentions toward mere anti-Semitism if they would stick to the facts of the case and refrain from sensational accounts which have been debunked numerous times over the past decades.
Good day.
When you contact Outfront Media, tell them you are boycotting all products you see on their billboards, and you are informing those clients that you are boycotting their products precisely because they advertise with Outfront!
That should shake them up!
I complained last week.
PS you have yet to present any example to back your hayseed hypothesis that airliners hit the WTC. Please cite an example demonstrating how easy an alum projectile can cut through structural building steel at subsonic speed. Hell, it could be solid depleted uranium, it’s still not going to happen at subsonic speed.
Do jews not realise. They are forcing us to hate them.
They have every right to be ashamed but it won’t go away.
They are evil.
They should be ashamed of themselves. Once again.. Israel takes down our soldiers… who should be HONORED… not ignored and swept under the rug. They don’t want anything about USS Liberty making headlines. Disgusting.
Out-front Media? More like bow to your masters media. Never do business with these people!
Yes, I have also called 3 times the last 2 I was hung up on, guess the lady who answers the phone didn’t like what I had to say when they didn’t call me back!
see, see, these israel firsters in government today really want to start ww3, we all know that israel is kaput, they will not survive in the next 10 years, i did not say this, kissinger say this. America you throwing good money out the door, this is coming from your taxes, STOP PAYING THE ISRAELI