Where is Casey Kasem? Arab American Entertainment icon missing, court orders probe
By Ali Younes
A California judge ordered on Monday the protective services to find the whereabouts of entertainment icon and radio personality Casey Kasem who was reported missing last week by his three adult children. The judge awarded on Monday his daughter Kerri a conservatorship of her father despite the objection of her stepmother Jean.
Kasem’s three adult children had been locked in a dispute with their step mother, Jean Kasem. over the handling of their father’s medical records and over his care and health.
A Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Daniel S. Murphy ordered a court investigator and adult protective services on Monday to find out where Kasem is being treated and report back to the court. News reports said that Kasem might have been taken out of the country or in an Indian reservation in Washington State.
The 82 years old former, actor, singer and host of American TOP 40 radio show, is reportedly suffering from an advanced stage of Parkinson disease and is unable to speak and in frail condition. News reports mentioned that he is currently under control of his wife Jean,who has been married to him for 34 years.
Kasem has three children from a previous marriage, Kerri, 41, Mike, 40, and Julie , 34 .They have previously alleged in a court filing that their step mother had cut off all access to their ailing father. A court settlement was reached last year that granted control of Kasey’s medical records to his current wife jean.
Casey Kasem is also an Arab-American icon who inspired scores of Arab Americans to enter show business .He was born Kemal Amin Kasem in Detroit Mishigan in 1932 and founded American Top 40 and Casey’s Top 40 that ran on US radio stations from 1970 until 2004. He also was the voice of “ Shaggy” of the Cartoon Show Scooby-Doo.
Kasem’s parents immigrated to the United States from Lebanon and settled in Detroit area that already has a large Arab-American community, and worked as grocers owning their own business.
Ali Younes is the Editor of the Arab Daily News, and can be reached at: aliyounes@thearabdailynews.com, and on twitter @clearali
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Like millions of other Americans, I grew up listening to Casey’s shows. His short back stories on the artists and wonderful voice are woven through years of memories. I hope for the best for him and family.