Israel’s Army radio reported on Thursday that Mordechai Vanunu had been arrested in the early hours of September 5, after giving an interview in Hebrew on Channel 2, “in defiance of the terms under which he was released in 2004.”
The interview had been cleared for broadcast by the military censor, but Israel’s nuclear whistle blower is now under seven days’ house arrest!
Vanunu is confined to his home for a week and is barred from using the Internet, army radio said. Court officials could not be reached for confirmation.
Nuclear Whistle Blower Mordechai Vanunu Talks Mossad
Dear Stephen Colbert with Thanks to Jon Stewart
Israel Police Investigate Mordechai Vanunu: Will Stephen Colbert Play Ball?
By Eileen Fleming
On September 7th Vanunu wrote at Facebook [edited for punctuation]
The Modern Evil of the 20.21 Century, Isolation, restrictions, sanctions, unjustly punishment, war crimes, to send people back to the ancient time, to the primitive age to became extreme, Fanatics, fundamental, religious, terrorists. I survived all this because I learned their mind. That what they are doing to me, and doing to Gaza, Palestine, Iran, and many states in all the Middle East. There is The Empire of Evil, The Axis of Evil, and now the Modern Evil.
Good and evil cut through every human heart and all free means is we get to choose which rules ours!
I call it evil how The Media has failed to seek and report the facts regarding Israel’s nuclear program and Vanunu’s human rights struggle in the “only democracy in the Middle East.’
This American writer began a series of interviews with Vanunu after meeting him in east Jerusalem in 2005; and everything of importance Vanunu said to me –and the documentation of USA collusion in Israel’s nuclear deceptions- has been enshrined in print HERE and HERE.
The evil of Israel’s ongoing torturing of Vanunu is also spreading swiftly through #FreeVanunu and Twitter #Vanunu
So there really is no need for Vanunu to say another word “because everything is already on the Internet.”- Mordechai Vanunu, the Snowden of Israel

“Evil is relatively rare. Ignorance is epidemic and the cure for that is journalism and expression” -Jon Stewart
So I reiterate it was because of journalism’s failure to ask my questions after THAT DAY we call 911:
Background: 9/11 Plus 14
That this formerly comfortably numb privileged American began seeking answers,
Which led to my first journey to both sides of The Wall in the ‘Holy Land’ in 2005.
I then quickly stumbled into a ‘mission from God’ and embarked upon my childhood dream of being a REPORTER.
We don’t go into journalism to be popular. It is our job to seek the truth and put constant pressure on our leaders until we get answers.- Helen Thomas
In 2005, I told Vanunu I would tell his story UNTIL he was free but more importantly I vowed it to God and accepted my mission;
Only God knows how many times I have wanted to BAIL; but could not and would not because:
“In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”-Mother Teresa
Vanunu accomplished his mission in 1986, when London’s The SUNDAY TIMES published a front-page story documenting everything Vanunu knew as a technician on the night shift and some of the Dimona photos. To this day, The SUNDAY TIMES holds all 58 photos Vanunu shot over a few intense hours within Top Secret locations within Israel’s 7-story underground WMD Facility at Dimona.
Everything of importance that Vanunu told this American on video follows “Mordechai Vanunu: The SPY for We the People” with Arty, the filmmaker traveling with my 2005 group:
My first two questions to Vanunu:
Vanunu talks State Torture by Solitary Confinement
Vanunu Invites “Hillary Clinton and all the Christians to come and see the real Wailing Wall: the Apartheid Wall
30 Minutes with Vanunu
Nuclear Whistle Blower Mordechai Vanunu Talks Mossad
Dear Stephen Colbert with Thanks to Jon Stewart
Israel Police Investigate Mordechai Vanunu: Will Stephen Colbert Play Ball?
- Vanunu still has more nuclear secrets to spill, Israeli court declares - December 29, 2021
- 9/11 and a 20th Reflection of That Day - September 5, 2021
- Mordechai Vanunu: Final Annual Update and this Writers Next Steps - June 19, 2021